To strengthen the professional research support at the partner research organisations and to improve the quality of project applications to Horizon Europe and other centralised European programmes.
- Strengthen the project offices in terms of staff.
- Increase the knowledge and capacity to prepare quality project applications and manage projects successfully.
- Facilitate the transfer of good practices and improve cooperation between project offices.
- Strengthen cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary networking for joint applications to European calls for proposals.
- Increase the success rate of Horizon Europe project applications compared to Horizon 2020.
6 new employees in project offices and the organisation of 40 events, including:
- 16 training sessions on improving the quality of European project applications,
- 8 matchmaking events for researchers with national and international partners for joint applications to European research calls,
- 7 working visits to successful research organisations in Europe,
- 5 events for exchange of good practices,
- 4 consortium meetings, two of which will be meetings of all the consortia selected in the call for proposals "Strengthening the Project Offices of the Public Research Organisations".
The materials created in the framework of the project are available on the KRPAN public repository.
Additional material from events that is not available in the repository:
- Presentation and video recording of the one-day training Project Management of Innovative and Ambitious European Funded Projects.
- Presentation and video recording of the one-day training Transform the quality of your Horizon Europe grant application.