Seas and Coasts for healthy and prosperous societies:
Blue Economy, Biodiversity, Climate Change

KRPAN dogodek 5 - morje

About the event

The seas and coasts are fundamental to the health and prosperity of societies worldwide, also in Slovenia and the Northern Adriatic region. They serve as critical ecosystems that provide multiple benefits to people – from sustaining fisheries and mariculture, and supporting recreation and tourism, to regulating climate and protecting coastlines. Preserving or improving their status is essential to ensuring the sustainability of these vital resources and spaces, which are increasingly threatened by the consequences of human pressures. Effective management measures and conservation strategies are necessary to protect these marine environments, promote resilience against ongoing environmental challenges, and foster thriving opportunities for coastal communities and the entire country and region.

A sustainable blue economy offers a powerful framework to address these challenges by leveraging research and innovation, enabling the responsible use of marine resources while conserving biodiversity and fostering climate resilience. Central to this vision is the recognition that challenges are interconnected and shared: biodiversity protection strengthens ecosystem services, which in turn support climate adaptation, enable economic activity, and foster socio-economic well-being. Likewise, research and innovation can drive the development of new technologies and social practices that enhance sustainability, ultimately leading to more effective resource management and improved livelihoods for those who depend on marine ecosystems or seek to conserve them.

In implementing solutions and positive changes, all sectors must and can work together: from researchers, entrepreneurs, and local communities to policymakers. European research funding can play a crucial role in providing the necessary resources for collaboration.

Why Attend?

This event will provide a pivotal platform for dialogue on potential solutions and collaboration opportunities at the intersection of marine environments, sustainable development, and societal benefits. Such dialogue is inherently interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral: it requires researchers from various disciplines, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and community representatives. It is also inherently collaborative and engaging: collective inspiration and capacity are needed to implement these solutions. The goal of the event is to share and refine emerging ideas for innovative projects that benefit both nature and society, advance understanding of interconnected problems from a “360-degree perspective,” and identify action-oriented collaboration opportunities to design project proposals for funding and implementation.

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What to Expect

The event offers an excellent opportunity to network with speakers, project idea pitchers, researchers, and representatives from the business sector who are passionate about seeking opportunities to form partnerships and consortia for applying to upcoming international calls under the Horizon Europe program and other international projects in the fields of the Sea, Coast, and Societal Well-being.

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The themes at the event will be diverse, with some being more conceptual and others of a practical nature. Examples of questions include: How can economic opportunities be balanced with ecological integrity in nautical tourism, cruise tourism or port infrastructure? How can biodiversity and land- or seascapes act as levers for building resilient societies and healthy marine environments? What technological, social, or governance innovations are needed to navigate transboundary marine challenges, renewable energy transitions, nature-based strategies for disaster risk reduction, or ensuring safety? By bridging disciplines and sectors, at the event we aim to identify actionable strategies to address the complexity of marine challenges while fostering innovation and equity. With an emphasis on transdisciplinary collaboration and practical solutions, we aspire to be more than a knowledge-sharing event; to be a forum for shaping transformative pathways for seas and coasts to ensure healthy and prosperous societies.

Keynote Speakers

Grant Opportunities

Explore possibilities for partnership and consortia formation for upcoming international calls under Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility, Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, HE missions Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 and Adaptation to Climate Change, Biodiversa+, Lighthouse Projects in Blue Economy,  European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) and other European programs.

Who Can Attend?

Researchers, innovators, and enthusiasts in the fields of Blue Economy, Biodiversity and Climate Change in marine environments, as well as experts in related areas coming from Slovenia or rest of Europe, who are interested in forming partnerships and applying for calls under the Horizon Europe and other EU programs.

Ready to Join the Event?

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We promise a diverse participation promises a rich program featuring a variety of stimulating speakers, compelling ideas, and a diverse array of participants. Seize this chance to connect with a network of researchers delving into similar fields from across Europe.

Event draft agenda:

Register now

Register now for this international networking event and enhance your chances of successful participation in Horizon Europe calls. Join us in shaping the future through digitalizing the past. Register today!

Pitch Registration Deadline: March 17, 2025 Apply now

Observer Registration Deadline: April 5, 2025 Apply now


This event is organized within the framework of the KRPAN project, “Fostering the Research Support and Activities for Progress in European Research Projects”, co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Projekt KRPAN
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